
Nagaland was created as the homeland for the Naga people, an ethnic group that has fostered one of India’s longest-running insurgencies. The state’s unsecured border with northern Myanmar has benefited armed groups but has not led to significant licit trade. The state’s politics are dominated by the simmering conflict which can only be resolved if one party is able to unify the interests and voices of various factions. Economic development has long been low on the agenda however the state has potential for developing its extractives industries in addition to adding value to its agriculture sector and boosting its tourism potential. 

State Summary

  • Size
    6,401 sq. miles
  • Population
    2 million
  • State GDP
    $2.74 billion (USD)
  • Legislative Assembly Seats
  • Rajya Sabha Seats
  • Lok Sabha Seats
  • Party Affiliation
    Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP)
    Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Members of the Naga tribe look on during the annual Hornbill Festival at Kisama village. (CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP/Getty Images)
Tribal Naga farmers work in their water bedded rice paddy fields on the arrival of the monsoon at Kiwema Village. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)
Left: Members of the Naga tribe look on during the annual Hornbill Festival at Kisama village. (CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP/Getty Images)
Right: Tribal Naga farmers work in their water bedded rice paddy fields on the arrival of the monsoon at Kiwema Village. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)
Climate Change

Climate Change


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India faces a complex energy challenge: it needs cheap and abundant energy to power high economic growth and lift its citizens into the middle class. But it also hopes to keep its commitments to the U.N. Climate Change Convention and achieve energy independence. India’s states have the resources to generate the energy India needs, but they take different approaches to fostering the growth of the industry. This section allows you to explore energy news from India’s states and offers the Wadhwani Chair’s analysis of India’s energy sector.


Coal  •  Energy Efficiency  •  Energy-related Transportation  •  Nuclear  •  Oil and Gas  •  Power  • 

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Related National Goals

U.S.–India Energy Cooperation Project TrackerThere is currently no data available for . (updated July 3, 2019)

Solar Performance Tracker — Nagaland reaches 3.04 MW (updated March 31, 2021)

Wind Performance Tracker — Nagaland achieves 0 MW (updated March 30, 2021)



While India’s healthcare system is expansive in terms of the number of beneficiaries covered, inequalities in access to high-quality yet affordable care continue to plague delivery systems and push citizens towards the more unregulated private sector. Similarly, while India’s National Health Policy of 2017 promises to reform this system, the responsibility to institute those reforms falls to the states who each have their own unique challenges and opportunities to meet the healthcare needs of their people. This section allows you to explore emerging healthcare policies and news covering new initiatives from India’s states and offers the Wadhwani Chair’s analysis of India’s healthcare sector.

Recent Articles

Government set up a National CDC in the state

The government of Nagaland signed an MOU with the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to set up a National Center for Disease Control in the state.

Source: North East Today Go to
In Detail: Twitter announcement Go to
Industrial Policy and Business Regulations

Industrial Policy and Business Regulations


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Jammu and Kashmir tops the National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA) – 2021 among Union Territories. Nagaland, Kerala and Odisha were the other states taking the top spot under other three categories.

Source: Economic Times Go to
In Detail: NeSDA 2021 Go to, Press Release Go to
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