
Covid-19 Economic Stimulus and State-level Power Sector Performance

The Indian government, as part of economic stimulus package, increased the borrowing limit of Indian states implementing power sector reforms. This report analyzes the efficiency parameters of the power sector at the state-level.

New Revenue Opportunities for Utilities

This report proposes that a large section of customers for solar panels and batteries can generate, store, and consume their own electricity. The report outlines new revenue streams for electric utilities to enhance growth and sustainability. It proposes the use of digitization in the power sector and unlocking new business areas, like selling and promoting energy efficient appliances, electric vehicle chargers, and more.

Rural Electrification: Impact on Discoms in India

Presents the perspectives of mid-to-senior level officials in ten electricity distribution companies in India on the key challenges in implementing the Saubhagya scheme, which sets an ambitious target for universal electrification across India.

Saubhagya Dashboard

The Saubhagya Dashboard provides data on household electrification progress in Indian states, based on the Saubhagya scheme of the Indian government.

Uday National Dashboard

The Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) Dashboard provides data relating to the electricity distribution companies’ progress on various operational and financial parameters across Indian states. The portal also features an improvement barometer for each state and distribution company.

Electric Mobility

Electric Mobility Dashboard

Interactive dashboard with information on electric vehicle manufacturing, sales, dealerships, and more.

Mobilizing Finance for EVs in India

Covers a range of potential financial tools to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in India.

Electric Mobility

Electric Vehicle Guidebook for Indian States

The guidebook explains how state-level electric vehicle policies should be drafted, implemented, and assessed. The report also addresses five consumer barriers based on data from around the world: model availability, cost competitiveness, fleet deployment, usage convenience, and consumer understanding.

Financing E-mobility in India

Presents innovative solutions for financing electric mobility in India. By drawing on stakeholder perspectives from policymakers, financiers, and borrowers, the brief highlights strategies to build a thriving e-mobility ecosystem.

Energy Transition

Impact Assessment of the National Solar Pumps Programme

Assesses the impact of the Indian government's program to expand the use of solar-powered water pumps in the agricultural sector through case studies from four states: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu.

India Energy Outlook 2021

A deep dive into India's energy choices and pathways for the future, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. The report also looks at various possible scenarios for India’s energy sector by 2040.


National Electricity Policy

The policy focuses on the clean and sustainable generation of electricity, development of efficient transmission systems, revitalization of state distribution companies, and development of efficient electricity markets.


National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence

The report focuses on five key sectors identified by NITI Aayog that hold the most potential for benefitting from artificial intelligence (AI). These sectors include healthcare, agriculture, education, smart cities and infrastructure, and transportation. The report also identifies potential barriers for the introduction of AI technology such as high costs and a lack of expertise in research and application of AI systems.

State Clean Energy Goal Tracker

Solar Performance Tracker

India set a goal of reaching 100 gigawatts of solar power generation capacity by 2022. The Indian States Solar Energy Performance Tracker is an interactive tool to monitor the progress states have made in reaching their target.

Wind Performance Tracker

India set a goal of reaching 60 gigawatts of wind power generation capacity by 2022. The Indian States Wind Energy Performance Tracker is an interactive tool to monitor the progress states have made in reaching their target.


Tool Kit for Public-Private Partnerships in Urban Primary Health Centers in India

Focuses on the establishment and development of urban primary health centers within the National Urban Health Mission framework through public–private partnership arrangements with nongovernment organizations to expand healthcare access in urban India. The toolkit looks at existing public-private partnerships on the ground and provides a framework to assess these partnerships to ensure consistent performance.
