U.S.–India Energy Cooperation Project Tracker

The United States and India have a long history of collaboration in the energy sector. Collaboration takes many forms including financial and technical assistance, grants for feasibility studies, and joint research supported by governments and private sector in both countries. Participating in this endeavor are many U.S. federal government agencies as well as the U.S. private sector. This tracker aims to give a comprehensive view of the footprint of U.S. government supported and private sector-led investments in India’s energy sector. This map will be periodically updated and we invite private sector stakeholders to notify us of their ongoing projects so that we may highlight them.

Goal Summary

  • Sectors
  • Last Updated
    July 3, 2019

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
U.S. Trade & Development Agency (USTDA)
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
U.S. Export – Import Bank (EXIM)