Focus Area Annual Investment Description of Goal
Maternal and newborn health $176,000,000 Increase by 25 percent the proportion of adolescent girls (10-19) accessing high-quality care (antenatal, intra-partum, and postpartum) to address the health and social risks associated with adolescent pregnancy and childbirth, and improve newborn outcomes.
Family planning and reproductive health $144,000,000 Increase access to effective family planning, with the goal of meeting 50 percent of the current unmet need for modern methods of family planning among 15- to 24-year-olds who desire to avoid, space, or delay pregnancy. The 10 to 14 age group is to be reached with information and education to build their awareness and access.
Nutrition $22,000,000 Reduce anemia by 25 percent among adolescent girls and young women, by providing iron and folic acid supplementation, as well as nutrition education and counseling, to at least 75 percent of 10- to 24-year-olds. Through dedicated operational research, fill gaps in knowledge on the nutritional status and landscape of adolescents.
Vaccination against HPV $105,319,690 Prevent cervical cancer by achieving 50-75 percent coverage of HPV vaccine among 9- to 14-year-old girls. This effort would seek to fully immunize 40 million girls.
Integration Fund $100,000,000 The fund will underwrite combining education and other development activities (e.g., empowerment, gender-based violence, child marriage) with core health programs; make use of results-based financing; and support operational research.
Innovation $25,000,000 Support emerging innovators in the target countries.
Data and metrics $15,000,000 Ensure that the United States and its partners adopt common metrics that ultimately demonstrate programmatic impact.
Management and operations 8 percent of sub-total Support headquarters and in-country operational costs needed to successfully implement the initiative.
TOTAL $634,305,265