International Food Trade: {{selected_category.text}}, {{ selected_year }}

Each chord represents the annual trade flow between the two countries. Hover over a chord to see more details. Hover over a country to see all related chords.

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CSIS China Power Project | Source: MIT Observatory of Economic Complexity
Product Trade between Origin and Destination Country by Year (HS6 REV. 1992)
{{ tooltip.snamePossessive }} Exports to {{ tooltip.tname }}
{{ tooltip.sname }} exported ${{ qFormat(tooltip.svalue) }}M in {{selected_category.tooltip}} to {{ tooltip.tname }}. This represented {{ pFormat(tooltip.svalue/tooltip.stotal) }} of {{ tooltip.snamePossessive }} {{selected_category.tooltip}} exports in {{ selected_year }}.
{{ tooltip.tnamePossessive }} Exports to {{ tooltip.sname }}
{{ tooltip.tname }} exported ${{ qFormat(tooltip.tvalue) }}M in {{selected_category.tooltip}} to {{ tooltip.sname }}. This represented {{ pFormat(tooltip.tvalue/tooltip.ttotal) }} of {{ tooltip.tnamePossessive }} {{selected_category.tooltip}} exports in {{ selected_year }}.